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Joint Pain is no more a problem with only septuagenarians, it is a concerning issue with people of all ages. Our specialties lies in treating acute and chronic pain. Our expert Vaidyas conduct thorough analysis to understand the root cause of the problem. This ensures the treatment provided eradicates pain and sign of disease manifestation.



One of the most integral parts of Ayurvedic healing that includes 5 major procedures – Vaman (Emesis), Virchana (Purgation), Anuvasan Vasti (Oil Enema), Shodhan Vasti (Decoction Enema), Nasya (Nasal Medication). All these procedure are not necessarily recommended to every individual. The Vaidyas first assess patient on three key parameters before making the selection: Patient’s body type (dosha), current physiological state, psychological state; season (ritu) and climate. Panchakarma has preventive as well as curative benefits. It detoxifies, rejuvenates, boosts immunity, increases physical and mental efficiency, brings doshas in balance, eliminates the root cause of disease and maintains a healthy state of body and mind.


Our penchant to look flawlessly beautiful is perpetual. But the secret to your healthy glowing skin lies beyond those chemically laden exorbitantly priced cosmetic products. Our experts study the skin type and offer solutions that are holistic, natural and supportive by our body. Don’t let your beauty worries pester you anymore, meet our Vaidya and get amazed by the eternal benefits of Ayurveda.


Ama or toxins when accumulated in our body give rise to illness. Toxins interferes in our physical, mental and emotional health that creates imbalances within the body. The sole purpose of de-toxification is to bring body in its natural state. Our specialized De-toxification therapies flush out toxins, eliminate stress that gets accumulated as the bi-product of toxins, improves mental and emotional health (responsible for negative thoughts) and rejuvenate body for a healthier experience.


Our sedentary lifestyle, poor food habits and stress has become a leading causing of obesity, especially in young adults. As per Ayurveda, Obesity or Medorog is a result of aggravation of Kapha. Kapha is responsible for lubrication in the mind and body; controlling weight; and synthesis of seven tissues –muscles, bones, marrow, nutritive fluids, blood, fat and reproductive tissues. Aggravation of Kapha leads to secretion of toxins in the body, which accumulate in Medovahi Srotas (fat channels), thus increasing production of fat tissue (Meda Dhatu). Production of these excess fat tissues results in increase in weight. Fret not, our Vaidya have a solution to get rid of those extra. Book a consultation and diagnosis today.

Women Wellness

Women of today is versatile, dynamic and surely a multi-tasker. Hence, it’s unequivocally obvious that her needs too are different. Her health needs more attention than ever. That’s not it, her health needs change as she sails through different phases of life. Painful menses, maternity, menopause stage and her overall well-being, our experts just takes-care of it all. Our Vaidyas ensure adequate care and counselling is provided, most importantly in the case of pregnancy.


Living in today’s metropolitan world of cellular phones, mobile computers and other high-tech gadgets is not just hectic but very impersonal. We make money and then invest our time and effort in making more money. Does it end? Not usually because we are never satisfied. How many times have we convinced ourselves that if only we had some more money, life would be so sweet?


Living in today’s metropolitan world of cellular phones, mobile computers and other high-tech gadgets is not just hectic but very impersonal. We make money and then invest our time and effort in making more money. Does it end? Not usually because we are never satisfied. How many times have we convinced ourselves that if only we had some more money, life would be so sweet?

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