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Arogya vardhini Vati - Purifier Skin & Liver (Pack of 100 Tabs)

Maharishi Ayurveda

  • Arogya Vardhini Vati is a herbal remedy used for treating a myriad of diseases mainly of the heart, liver, stomach, gall bladder, intestines and skin. It comprises of 13 magical herbs like Kutaki, Chitrakmool, Triphala, Shilajeet, Guggulu, Neem, Purified metallic ashes etc.


    Although Arogya Vardhini balances all three doshas, yet it predominantly treats Vataj / Kaphaj / Saama Pittaj diseases.

    • Digestive Stimulant
    • Carminative
    • Expels toxins
    • Mild laxative
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Anti-pyretic
    • Anti-obesity
    • Anti-pruritic
    • Cardiac tonic
    • Liver tonic
    • Anti-hypertensive
    • Mild expectorant
    • Improves vision
    • Hematogenic
    • Catalyst when used with other medicines.

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