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MAHARISHI AMRIT KALASH (600 Gram Paste and 60 Tablets)

(600 gms paste and 60 tablets )

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Introducing Maharishi Amrit Kalash, the world’s only Super Rasayana, that promotes life force energy and ensures perfect health! Created and perfected by the masters of Ayurveda, Amrit Kalash has been researched at renowned institutes globally. This powerful formula is prepared using 53 time-tested herbs by following 250 meticulous steps and ensures that you experience 6X better health and a better life.

• Boosts Immunity
• Prevents Premature Ageing
• Improves Heart Health
• De-stresses and Rejuvenates
• Boosts Mental Alertness
• Improves Vitality

  • 53 times tested herbs
  • clinically proven
  • Metiuculous Steps Followed
  • clinical studies


  • Boosts Immunity

    Boosts Immunity

  • Prevents Premature Aging

    Prevents Premature Ageing

  • Improves Heart Health

    Improves Heart Health

  • De-stresses & Rejuvenates

    De-stresses & Rejuvenates

  • Boosts Mental Alertness

    Boosts Mental Alertness

  • Improves Vitality

    Improves Vitality

What Ayurveda Says About Maharishi Amrit Kalash?

An imbalance in Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) results in production of Ama (toxins), which is the underlying cause of various health issues. Maharishi Amrit Kalash not only helps in reduction of Ama but also leads to production of Ojas (energy).

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The synergistic action of 53 time-tested herbs and ingredients balances the three Doshas and ensures perfect health.

Amrit Kalash V/S Ordinary Formulation

Researched Formula Researched Formula YES NO
More Effective than Vitamin C & E 1000X More Effective than Vitamin C & E YES NO
Efficacy Rate Efficacy Rate HIGH LOW
World's Only Rasayana The World's Only Rasayana for Holistic Wellbeing YES NO
Approved by Vaidya Approved by Vaidya YES NO
Customer Trust Customer Trust HIGH LOW

How Does Amrit Kalash Work?

  • Amrit Kalash Nectar Paste

    Amrit Kalash Nectar Paste

    Amrit Kalash Nectar Paste Based on 5000 years of Ayurvedic wisdom, Amrit Kalash Nectar is enriched with Amla, Dashmool, Safed Chandan, Haritaki, etc. They help boost immunity, prevent premature aging & help with detoxification so that you remain active, energetic and youthful

  • Amrit Kalash Ambrosia

    Amrit Kalash Ambrosia

    Amrit Kalash Ambrosia is a revolutionary formulation fortified with time-tested herbs like Ashwagandha, Ksheer, Vidari, Shankhpushpi, etc. This helps one de-stress, energizes the body and also helps with mental alertness, all essential for healthy living

Key Ingredients

  • Amla


  • Dashmool


  • Safed Chandan

    Safed Chandan

  • Haritaki


  • Safed Musli

    Safed Musli

How to Use

how to use Dosage:

  • Take 10 gms (1 tablespoon) of Nectar paste with lukewarm milk or water. Wait for half an hour and take 1 tablet of Amrit Kalash Ambrosia tablet. Follow this dosage in the morning as well as evening.

Recommended by Vaidya

  • Dr. Saurabh Sharma
  • Dr. Saurabh Sharma

    Medical Suprintendent Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital

    "Amrit Kalash is a Super Rasayana that affects the overall immunity, stamina and organ functioning of a person. People have benefited immensely from this formulation over the past 36 years."

Research & Development

“MAK has been extensively researched in the areas of immunity, cardio vascular health, Cancer and Antiageing (Antioxidant) in renowned institutions across the globe”

  • Cardiovascular:

  • SMS medical college,

  • The Ohio State University, Columbus

  • Wayne State University

  • Immunity :

  • Maharishi International University, Fairfield,
    United States

  • KU Medical
    The University
    of Kansas

  • Gifu University School of Medicine, Japan

  • Cancer:

  • All India
    Institute of
    New Delhi,

  • South Dakota
    State University
    United States

  • The Ohio State

  • Antiageing:

  • Wayne State
    School of

  • Maharishi
    United Statess

  • Loyola
    Center, Illinois,
    United States

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About Maharishi Ayurveda

In 1959, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi embarked on a global quest to spread knowledge regarding a beautiful meditation technique known as Transcendental Meditation®. The main goal was to help people live a stress-free life and experience inner peace in times of modern-day turmoil.

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A journey that started with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji’s work on improving mental health by Transcendental Meditation technique soon progressed into the world of Holistic Health. To bring all aspects of health into balance, Maharishi Ji handed over this responsibility to Late Shri Anand Shrivastava, who laid the foundation of Maharishi Ayurveda.

Founded in the 1980s, Maharishi Ayurveda focused on creating the most efficacious Ayurveda formulations that were validated through scientific research and clinical trials. Maharishi Ayurveda has been working consistently for the past 37 years to make the ancient science of Ayurveda more accessible and relevant in these modern times. With an international presence in over 40 countries, MAPPL is known for its expertise, superior quality formulations, globally certified
standardized processes and extensive research/clinical trials at prestigious institutions around the world.


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