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Digestive Care Therapy - for Constipation, Indigestion & Acidity

(Amlant 60 tabs, Dizomap 60 tabs, Triphala 60 tabs)

Introducing Maharishi Ayurveda Digestive Therapy which comprises powerful Ayurvedic formulations like Amlant, Dizomap and Triphala which when used synergistically, works at a fundamental level to provide relief from:

• Acidity
• Constipation
• Indigestion

  • 100% Ayurvedic
  • Approved by vaidya
  • Happy customers
  • No side effects

What Ayurveda Says About Digestive Issues

Are you constantly troubled with digestive issues such as-

  • Acidity/ Gastritis/GERD/Acid Reflux/Bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
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An erratic schedule and lifestyle can lead to digestive issues. According to Ayurveda, the secret to healthy digestion is proper and balanced digestive fire (Agni).

If the Agni cycle of “digestion(पाचन)- absorption(अवशोषण) - assimilation(आत्मसात) - elimination(उन्मूलन )” is balanced and correct, it increases Ojas(ऊर्जा). Maharishi Ayurveda Digestive Care Combo works on the root cause of digestive issues resulting in balanced Agni.

Formulated on the principles of Ayurveda, MA Digestive Care Therapy is:

  • Natural Acid Balancer
  • Helps detoxify the body
  • Natural Remedy for Indigestion and Constipation
  • 100% Herbal and 100% Safe
  • Non-Addictive and No Side Effects

Digestive care Therapy V/S Only Tablets V/S Only Oil

BENEFITS Digestive Care
Complete Care Complete Care YES NO
Long Term Relief Long Term Relief YES NO
Recovery Recovery FAST TAKES TIME
Efficacy Rate Efficacy Rate HIGH LOW
Customer Trust Customer Trust HIGH LOW

How does Digestive Care Therapy work on your gut health?

All three formulations of Digestive Care Therapy work on balancing the Doshas in the body.


  • Amlant

    Amlant helps in providing relief from acidity and prevents its reoccurrence by balancing the Udana and Samana Vata. It also helps digest Sama Pitta and pacify Kledaka Kapha Doshas respectively.


    For chronic cases- 1 to 2 tablets twice a day. For acute cases- Crush 1 to 2 tablets in the mouth and swallow with water or as directed by the Physician.

  • Dizomap


    Dizomap helps promote natural digestion by balancing the Samana and Apana Vata and Pachaka Pitta. The Pachaka Pitta helps in improving digestion and a balanced Samana Vata allows absorption and further processing of food.


    1-2 Tablets twice a day or as directed by physician



    Triphala helps in toning up the digestive system. Triphala balances the Kapha and Pitta Doshas by detoxifying the body.


    1-2 Tablets twice a day or as directed by physician

Key Ingredients

  • Amla


  • Saunf


  • Haritaki



  • Natural Acid Balancer

    Natural Acid Balancer

  • Helps Detoxify The Body

    Helps Detoxify The Body

  • Natural Remedy For Indigestion And Constipation

    Natural Remedy For Indigestion And Constipation

  • 100% Herbal And 100% Safe

    100% Herbal And 100% Safe

  • Non-Addictive And No Side Effects

    Non-Addictive And No Side Effects

How to Use

How to Use Ayurvedic Medicine Dosage:

    • Amlant:  Help relieve acidity, hyperacidity and heartburn, take 2 tablets twice a day after meals

    • Dizomap: 1-2 tablets after meals twice daily. It stimulates secretion of digestive juices and bile for better digestion and absorption of nutrients by the body

    • Triphala: 2 tablets daily after dinner. It helps detoxifying your liver, intestines and blood

    • Best Results when taken daily for 90 days

  • Note: Please take medicines with lukewarm water only.

Recommended by Vaidya

  • Dr. Rajat Sharma
  • Dr. Rajat Sharma

    Maharishi Ayurveda Sr. Consultant

    “Digestive Care Therapy is a judicious combination of powerful herbs and ingredients that correct the underlying root cause of everyday digestive issues. This Ayurveda backed combo is a must-have in every family’s closet for giving relief in acidity, indigestion and constipation.”

About Maharishi Ayurveda

In 1959, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi embarked on a global quest to spread knowledge regarding a beautiful meditation technique known as Transcendental Meditation®. The main goal was to help people live a stress-free life and experience inner peace in times of modern-day turmoil.

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A journey that started with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji’s work on improving mental health by Transcendental Meditation technique soon progressed into the world of Holistic Health. To bring all aspects of health into balance, Maharishi Ji handed over this responsibility to Late Shri Anand Shrivastava, who laid the foundation of Maharishi Ayurveda.

Founded in the 1980s, Maharishi Ayurveda focused on creating the most efficacious Ayurveda formulations that were validated through scientific research and clinical trials. Maharishi Ayurveda has been working consistently for the past 37 years to make the ancient science of Ayurveda more accessible and relevant in these modern times. With an international presence in over 40 countries, MAPPL is known for its expertise, superior quality formulations, globally certified
standardized processes and extensive research/clinical trials at
prestigious institutions around the world.

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